Friday, August 1, 2008

I'm a 3rd Graders Mom...

Wow...I can't believe I am saying that! My baby is starting 3rd grade on Monday. I can't believe he is in 3rd grade, I was just changing his diaper yesterday...or atleast it feels that way. He is so independent and the boy has a social calendar like you wouldn't believe..he's always got somewhere to be! I even have GIRLS calling my house!! I know we can't stop them from growing up and pulling away but he will always be MY baby. I am the first one he has LOVED, TRUSTED and who will ALWAYS take care of him...I just hope he always remembers that!!


Sheila said...

awwww it's so unreal how fast they grow!!! great picture...we start school on the 13th only 11 days and yes I am counting down!! so ready for fall to be here.

The 6-S Ranch said...

Hi Robyn! I was wondering what camera you use? Your pictures are great, and I need to upgrade. Thanks! Cassie

Sarah Shalley said...

thanks for stopping by my blog! hope that you'll continue to come back.


Autumn said...

Oh no. Those poor girls are gonna have a helluva time gettin' him away from his psycho mommy.